Course Information

Structural Geology (1.25 course credits)

  • Class Meeting Times:
    • Lecture  M W F, 10:00-10:50 am         SCV 116
    • Lab         T and TH, 1:00-2:20 pm        SCV 305

Instructor Information

Dr. Shelley Judge

  • Office:  Scovel Hall, room 118
    • Office Phone:  330.263.2297
    • Fax Number:   330.263.2249
  • Email:

Office Hours:

  • Each week, I will post open office hours on the bulletin board outside of my office door.  I will pay particular attention to when these office hours are scheduled for GEOL 313 students.
  • If these open office hours conflict with one of your scheduled courses, then contact me immediately so that we can work out a time that is mutually convenient.

Teaching Assistants

  • There are no TAs for GEOL 313 for FA17.